‘Bygone Bitterne’ is our magazine published four times a year at our meetings in January, April, July and October. Closing copy dates are on the second Saturday of the preceding months.
Bitterne Local History Society started its magazine as a newsletter for members in September 1982. The first issue stated the aims of the magazine to be:
• to keep members informed of future events,
• to share news about the Society,
• and to help members who cannot get to meetings to feel a part of the Society.
Gradually it has transformed into carrying more articles about local history and less on social events of members.

The first twenty issues were foolscap size with a single staple in the corner. We then changed to an A5, saddle stitched size which we continue with today. At volume 93 (Spring 2006) we changed the name to ‘Bygone Bitterne’ which continues. In the Autumn of 2020, we are up to volume 150 and are on our fourth editor.
The editor is always pleased to receive articles about the past of Bitterne, or other areas east of the River Itchen, to consider for publication. These can be of your own research or memories. Send to the Editor at 231, Peartree Avenue, Southampton, SO19 7RD or by email.
Download an index listing every magazine. A complete set of Magazines is available for reference in the Heritage Centre and many are still available for sale.
Some of our past magazines are available to read here