Meetings of Bitterne Local History Society are held on the second Saturday of each month at 7.00 pm in Bitterne United Reformed Church (entrance in the Precinct, next to Bitterne Churchyard) above Iceland.
Locate the Church using: Google Maps, OpenStreetMap.
Society news and notice of local meetings of historical interest are followed by talks on a variety of topics illustrated with slides, sometimes with related artefacts.
Members £1.00
Non Members £3.00
2025 Meetings
January | Saturday 11th | BERT HINKLER. Southampton’s Forgotten Aviation Pioneer. | Dr Martin Radford |
February | Saturday 8th | WOOLSTON IN WW II: from Spitfires to D-Day | Alan Matlock |
March | Saturday 8th | GUEST NIGHT – BYGONE BITTERNE (Slide Show) | Ian Abrahams |
April | Saturday 12th | MEDIEVAL ROMSEY ABBEY | Phoebe Merrick |
May | Saturday 10th | SOUTHAMPTON: WATER, SLAUGHTER and TRADE Part 2 | Andrew Negus |
June | Saturday 14th | LORD RADSTOCK OF MAYFIELD | Nigel Paterson |
July | Saturday 12th | HOBBIES NIGHT | |
August | NO MEETING | ||
September | Saturday 13th | WOMEN’S LAND ARMY “Don’t Delay – Enrol Today” | John Lander |
October | Saturday 11th | AGM – THE BATTLE OF COBDEN BRIDGE | Russell Henson |
November | Saturday 8th | THE NEW FOREST AIRFIELDS DURING WORLD WAR II | Dr Henry Goodall |
December | Saturday 13th | RIVERSIDE CONCERT BAND |
2025 Events
July | Saturday 19th | TRIFEST | 12.00 – 16.00 |
September | Saturday 20 | Heritage Open Day | 10.00 – 16.00 |