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More Memories of Bitterne
Editor: Irene Pilson
This second book by Irene Pilson recounts the recollections of many who were reminded by the stories in Memories of Bitterne, published in 1984. There are also many historical facts which may be of news to you. Also hitherto unpublished accounts of stirring events when Bitterne suffered the effects of Hitler’s heavy bombing raids.
Bitterne folk helped to make history before and during the two world wars and were involved in some events that made national headlines, including the Invergordon Mutiny and the R101 disaster which are mentioned here. Even if you are not a Bitternite there is much in this book that may well interest and entertain you. Open it anywhere and you will find old memories of the past rekindled and pictures that will bring you right up-to-date with the new Bitterne which is still a village at heart and very special to all who live there.
432 pages. Hardback, 165 x 230 mm, Published 1988