Meetings 2013


JANUARYSaturday 12thWipersby Geoff Watts
FEBRUARYSaturday 9thSouthampton Murder Victimsby Jim Brown
MARCHSaturday 9thGuest Night – with slidesby Ian Abrahams
APRILSaturday 13thRoman Finds at Bitterne Manorby Dr. Andy Russell
MAYSaturday 11thMusic Memoirsby Ruth Warren
JUNESaturday 8thLife on board a linerby Edwina Cooke
JULYSaturday 13thTransportby Barry Eagles
AUGUSTNo Meeting
SEPTEMBERSaturday 14thAGM – And Slides From Our Collectionby Ian Abrahams
OCTOBERSaturday 12thThe History of the British Legionby John Smith
NOVEMBERSaturday 9thNever Knowingly Undersoldby John Abraham
DECEMBERSaturday 14thFilms from Hampshire Archivesby David Lee
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