Meetings 2014


JANUARYSaturday 11thWilliam Rufus from The New Forest to WinchesterDon Bryan
FEBRUARYSaturday 8thRustic to romantic and back again (a brief history of gardens)Mary South
MARCHSaturday 8thBygone BitterneIan Abrahams
APRILSaturday 12thMary RoseDawn Perrier
MAYSaturday 10thNew Forest ChurchesJill Starks
JUNESaturday 14thSS ShieldhallGraham Mackenzie
JULYSaturday 12thSouthampton’s lungs (Southampton’s historic parks)Jake Simpkin
AUGUSTNo Meeting
OCTOBERSaturday 11thSouthampton archivesJo Smith
NOVEMBERSaturday 8thReach for the sky (Hamble Valley airfields)Jill Daniels
DECEMBERSaturday 13thBrands and PackagingIan Abrahams
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