Meetings 2016


JANUARYSaturday 9thHow well do you know Hampshire? (Where is and what is that pt 2)Jill Daniels
FEBRUARYSaturday 13thRoaming free: Life betwixt the grids (New Forest animals have roamed free for over 900 years)Suzanne Kempe
MARCHSaturday 12thBygone Bitterne presentation and talkIan Abrahams
APRILSaturday 9thThe flying boats of SouthamptonColin van Geffen
MAYSaturday 14thThe lost pubs of SouthamptonDave Goddard
JUNESaturday 11thThe Huguenots of Southampton and the south coastJohn Avery
JULYSaturday 9thThe romance of the letter boxTony Cross
AUGUSTNo Meeting
OCTOBERSaturday 8thThe story of Itchen Ferry villageDr Cheryl Butler
NOVEMBERSaturday 12thThe Civil War in HampshireDon Bryan
DECEMBERSaturday 10thUkelele JamLive music
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