JANUARY | Saturday 9th | How well do you know Hampshire? (Where is and what is that pt 2) | Jill Daniels |
FEBRUARY | Saturday 13th | Roaming free: Life betwixt the grids (New Forest animals have roamed free for over 900 years) | Suzanne Kempe |
MARCH | Saturday 12th | Bygone Bitterne presentation and talk | Ian Abrahams |
APRIL | Saturday 9th | The flying boats of Southampton | Colin van Geffen |
MAY | Saturday 14th | The lost pubs of Southampton | Dave Goddard |
JUNE | Saturday 11th | The Huguenots of Southampton and the south coast | John Avery |
JULY | Saturday 9th | The romance of the letter box | Tony Cross |
AUGUST | | No Meeting | |
SEPTEMBER | Saturday 10th | AGM | |
OCTOBER | Saturday 8th | The story of Itchen Ferry village | Dr Cheryl Butler |
NOVEMBER | Saturday 12th | The Civil War in Hampshire | Don Bryan |
DECEMBER | Saturday 10th | Ukelele Jam | Live music |