Meetings 2017


JANUARYSaturday 14thQuakers at WarDr Frances Hurd
FEBRUARYSaturday 11thMusical Entertainment Victorian Style: from early organs to recording the human voicePeter Trodd
MARCHSaturday 11thBygone BitterneIan Abrahams
APRILSaturday 8thAll Around the Gallopers: the restoration of a merry-go-roundBob Smith
MAYSaturday 13thLady Maria ClutterbuckJane Glennie
JUNESaturday 10thSouthampton Passenger Ships & DocksJake Simpkin
JULYSaturday 8thMary Seacole: the lady without the lampJohn Avery
AUGUSTNo Meeting
OCTOBERSaturday 14thJane Austen’s SouthamptonDr Cheryl Butler
NOVEMBERSaturday 11thThe Forgotten Wrecks of the First World WarGrant Bettinson
DECEMBERSaturday 9thThe FogeysLive music
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