Meetings 2019


JANUARYSaturday 12thMid Hants Railway (The Watercress Line): Past & PresentDave Yaldren
FEBRUARYSaturday 9thTheme Parks & Chocolate: A history of Paulton’s ParkGordon Lewis
MARCHSaturday 9thBygone BitterneIan Abrahams
APRILSaturday 13thWWI – Bitterne’s fallen rememberedMartyn Basford
MAYSaturday 11thTalking ButtsAnthony Poulton-Smith
JUNESaturday 8thCarlton Crescent & Rockstone PlaceJake Simpkin
JULYSaturday 13thI do like to be beside the seasideSimon Gomm
AUGUSTSaturday 10thNew Hope Rural Leprosy Trust in India (includes leprosy across the ages in and around Southampton)Jill Ghanouni MBE
SEPTEMBERSaturday 14thHeritage Open Day – No evening meeting
OCTOBERSaturday 12thAGM
NOVEMBERSaturday 9thEscape from Stalag XXASteve Foster
DECEMBERSaturday 14thThe Hither Side of the HedgeJigfoot
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