A London and South-Western Railway Memorial tablet is erected at the entrance to Ocean Village in Canute Road, stating that a cot was also endowed at the Servants Orphanage in memory of those who fell in the Great War.

The following names are inscribed:
Aldis O.B. | McRill G. |
Barber G. | Miller F.C. |
Barton V. | Morin F.R. |
Battrick P. | Mulgrave E. |
Besant W. | Newton H.E. |
Budden F.J. | Oliver A. |
Burton (Mrs) W. | Oliver T. |
Cherrett C.F. | Oxlade G.H. |
Chick J. | Page S.L. |
Clow W.E. | Paice G. |
Cochrane (Mrs) E.B. | Parsons G.W.H. |
Coles F.W. | Parsons R. |
Cotton A. | Platt J.C. |
Davies J.E. | Pleace T.E. |
Day W.R.M. | Rancecroft H. |
Deathe B. | Robinson E.F. |
Fielding W.C. | Saunders F.C. |
Garland F.C. | Shea J. |
Glouskofsky A. | Short J. |
Gomes J.A. | Smith A.V. |
Groves A. | Starling A. |
Harrison J. | Still A.E. |
Hill H. | Stokes W. |
Hodder G.E. | Stone C. |
Hodgen G. | Strange H.T. |
Holloway B.J. | Sweetingham J.J. |
Ingram G. | Thorn F.A. |
Ingram J.S.B. | Thorne P.C. |
Ings J. | Unwin A. |
Jewell R.M. | Van Santen S. |
Joyce W.A. | Watridge F.H. |
Lamerton T. | Waugh W.H. |
Le Cac Y.M. | Welsh A.W. |
Le Huquet J. | Wheeler J.H. |
Le Page E. | Williamson W.P. |
Martin F.C. | White R.C.J. |
McCarthy B.W.J. | Young W.H. |
Moody W. |

The tablet above, erected in memory of those who fell in the 1939-1945 war is nearby.
The following names are inscribed:
Bagley W.H. | Maule H. |
Barker J.W. | Mears D. |
Benyon J. | Mills L. |
Bligh R.N. | Parsons J.A. |
Brooker S. | Pointer J. |
Brown J. | Reeves T. |
Chambers M.H. | Ross G. |
Charlton H.F.D. | Simmons W.F. |
Collings K.V.G. | Stansbridge E. |
Dagnell E.C. | Stark A. |
Falloon J. | Stephens A.C.W. |
Fisher R.F. | Tanner E.E. |
Gordon A. | Ward A.E. (Mrs) |
Gordon R.A. | Webb E. |
Hawes R.W. | Webb W.C.F. |
Hawkes J.W. | Weekes H. |
Hellyar A. | White A.G.S. |
Henry W.R. | Wilson W. |
Ireland B. | Wright E. |
Laverick K.W. | York F.C. |
Longman W. | Young G.A. |
Lush L. |